
The Ultimate Guide on When to Refinish Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors create a timeless and classy look that complements every home. But over time, those same beautiful floors you once loved became dull and lifeless.

Your home hardwood floors go through repeated wear and tear. But that doesn’t mean you should cover them with carpet. They are strong and durable and deserve to shine. 

There’s a way to achieve that beautiful, warm glow again; it just involves putting in a little extra love. In this guide, we’ll discuss when to refinish hardwood floors. Your home will look luxurious again in no time at all. 

1. What Are You Working With?

Keeping the original character of your existing hardwood flooring is a concern. You respect the years the floor has given you, and you don’t want to erase it. The good news is you don’t have to worry because you have options. 

One of the first steps to refinish hardwood floors comes before any of the work actually starts. The first step involves determining exactly what you have to work with. You investigate and see if you have enough wood remaining to consider a refinish (at least 1/32 inch).

Once you’ve determined you are ready to go, it is time to explore what you enjoy about your existing floors. Which areas are great and which look worn and scratched? Understanding how they look will help you determine your end goal. 

2. Is Gray Discoloration Bringing You Down?

The best hardwood floors don’t have to be brand new. Restoring and refinishing older flooring is a great way to save you time and money. One of the easiest ways to spot if a refinish is necessary is to notice any graying boards. 

Some homeowners opt for a gray finish on their flooring. But if you notice boards are turning gray unintentionally, a refinish should be high on your list. A gray tint could hint toward more than a discoloration problem. 

Over time, polyurethane wears off of wood. This makes it easier for your flooring to absorb water. Water tracked in your home from rain and snow, regular cleaning, and pet’s paws take a toll on your flooring. It might also be the culprit of those graying boards. 

Once wood absorbs water, it oxidizes and turns a gray color. This is the first step leading to eventual black wood boards. However, caring for hardwood floors is easy once you tackle the issue and refinish them.  

3.  You’ve Noticed Some Cups and Crowning

No, we aren’t talking about drinking cups sitting on your floor. Water damage is a big indicator that it is time for some hardwood floor refinishing. Cupping and crowning are what happens when the moisture within your home gets out of hand.  

Cupping is what happens when water gets absorbed from below. It is easy to notice cupping in the summer. The humidity makes the floor rise and expand. It almost looks like the floors are wavy and rippled.

Crowning happens when the boards bulge together and expand from excess moisture. Both of these issues are unsightly but manageable.

Once you solve the moisture issue, the solutions you carry out are worth the beautiful result. Refinishing is a great way to bring back the floors you once loved.  

4. The Scratches Have Taken Over  

A few scratches will pop up between the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life. This is normal, from moving kitchen chairs to the sand and dirt scraping on the bottom of our shoes. Life will leave a mark on your hardwood floors. 

Some scratches are expected and add character to the flooring. But a large cluster of scratches over a large area is an eyesore. There are plenty of tricks you’ll find to remove scratches from hardwood flooring.

But one of the best ways to fix the issue is to refinish the floors altogether. You don’t want to waste time on a solution in one area when all your flooring needs extra care. You and your floors will appreciate the attention you put in to keep them looking their best. 

5. The Fade Is Obvious 

When you walk past your windows and glance at your floor, you might notice a difference. Sunlight exposure is another reason to consider refinishing hardwood flooring. Blinds and curtains will assist with the problem, but you can’t expect them to shield forever. 

If your floors look discolored and unhealthy, a quick sanding and refinish will do the job. Removing the top layer is an easy way to ensure that your floors are even when applying a new stain. Applying a new stain is a great way to refresh and add new life to a room or living space. 

How Long Does a Refinish Last?   

Even the best home flooring needs refinishing after time. After completing the first refinish, expect to get a solid seven to 10 years out of them before another is needed. You might expect to complete a refinish up to six times within its lifespan. 

With that considered, it is possible to get decades out of your flooring. The lifespan of carpet varies from five to 15 years. Hardwood flooring doesn’t hold on to pet hair and smells the same way carpets tend to. 

Overall, hardwood flooring is an excellent and long-lasting addition to your home. They add value to your house, look good in every decor theme, and contribute to better air quality. Not to mention they are easy to clean when compared to carpets. 

Refinish Hardwood Floors to Breathe New Life Into Your Home

Once you decide it is time to make the change, you won’t regret it. Call our professionals to refinish hardwood floors back to their original shine. We have over a decade of experience to assist you with your home renovation projects. 

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